December '23 - Change plan

Compare different versions of one scenario or two different scenarios to understand the changes needed to take your organization to where it needs to be.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 9-58-53 am-png


The change plan is still in beta, so we'd love to hear your feedback.

Contact to share your thoughts.




Change plan

Get ready to level up your organization's transformation game with Functionly's Change Plan! Dive into different scenarios and compare current and proposed states with ease. It's like having a playbook for your organizational design adventures!

Let the transformation journey begin!


Make a comparison using the change plan:

  1. Click "Change plan" in the left-hand menu
  2. Click "Select to compare"
  3. Select "Previous revision" or "Another scenario"
  4. Choose a revision or scenario




Export the change plan to CSV:

  1. Run a comparison according to the steps above
  2. Click the "Export" button near the top right
  3. Select "Download CSV"



Get a more detailed look at how to use and understand the change plan.