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How to add and manage vacant positions

Visualizing your future hires as vacant positions and adding important data such as compensation is a vital part of the workforce planning process.

add and manage vacant positions



  1. Add and remove vacant positions
  2. Manage your vacant positions
  3. Collaborate with your team on vacant positions



1. Add and remove vacant positions


In this section:



Add vacancies

To get a visual understanding of where a new position is going to fit in your organization you can add vacancies using the org chart or if you need to easily add important data such as compensation, effort, start, or end date, in one place, you can use the people & positions table. 



Add vacancies using the org chart

  1. Hover next to or below any position
  2. Click the plus ➕ icon
  3. Or click the ellipsis (three dots) and select "new position"



Add vacancies using the people & positions table

To add a vacancy using the people & positions table scroll to the bottom of the table and click "+ add position". This will create a vacant position at the bottom of the list where you can easily add a position title and assign a manager using the field in their row.


Add vacancies using the people & positions table



Add position titles

As mentioned above you can add or edit a position title on the people & positions table using the fields in line with any vacancy. You can also edit any position title on the org chart by clicking on the job title field on that position.


Remove vacancies...


Remove using the org chart

To remove a vacancy from the org chart click the ellipsis on the top right corner of the position and select "remove position" or drag and drop the position to the bottom left where "drop to remove" will appear in red.


Remove using the org chart


Remove using the people and positions table

On the people and positions table, you can remove a position by clicking the ellipsis on the left-hand side of the table and selecting "remove position".


Remove using the people and positions table



When you remove a position it is permanently removed including; its title, compensation, and any other data that you have added to the position.





2. Manage your vacant positions

When managing your vacant positions through the hiring process it's important that data is kept up to date and other stakeholders understand what stage in the cycle each position is at. Below we have detailed some of the key components that will help make it a more cohesive process.


In this section:



Adding and adjusting compensation will allow for more efficient budget forecasting and can be done in a number of different ways...


Adding compensation using the org chart

To quickly add compensation to a position on the org chart:

  1. Click the cog next to the view menu
  2. Hover over "properties"
  3. Toggle "compensation" to "on"



Click the arrows on the top left of the position to open its position modal then "add compensation data".


Adding compensation using the org chart



Adding compensation using the people & positions table

To add compensation using the people & positions table click on the "total compensation" field for any position and enter the amount. If you can't see the "total compensation" field you may just need to enable it using the properties tab near the top of your browser.


Adding compensation using the people & positions table



Compensation can be added annually or hourly, and combined with "Effort (FTE)" or hours, will provide the total cost for each position. 



Effort (FTE)

Effort (FTE) can be added in bulk when importing your people with a CSV and if you don't specify a value initially, each position will receive a value of one by default, or equivalent to a full-time position. Effort can be changed for any position even after it has been initially set.


Change effort on the org chart

To amend the effort for a position click the outward pointing arrows on any position to open its modal then click on "add compensation data" if none has been added. If compensation has been added, once the position modal is open you can click on the compensation in blue and add effort.


Change effort on the org chart


Change effort on the people & positions table

Effort can be amended using the people & positions table by clicking on the Effort field or clicking the outward pointing arrows that appear on any compensation field when you hover over it.


Change effort on the people & positions table



Effort or FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) is how much a person is expected to work with 1 being someone who is full-time, 0.8 being someone working four days a week, 0.2 one day etc.



Start & end date

Setting a hiring window for each position can be vital for accurate budget forecasting, and in situations where you may be hiring for many positions it can provide a clearer picture of the road ahead.


Set a start date using the org chart:

  1. Click on the white space of any position to open the position menu on the right
  2. Click on the "start date" field
  3. Input a projected start date


Set a start date using the people & positions view:

  1. Click view dropdown near the top left
  2. Select "people & positions"
  3. Click properties menu near the top right
  4. Ensure "start date" is toggled "on"
  5. Click on any start date field in line with a vacant position
  6. Input a projected start date

Start & end date




Vacancy status

Vacancy statuses are indicators that help track which stage in the hiring process each position is at.



The different statuses are:


The position is still being worked on by key stakeholders but has not yet been approved. It may be that cost, start date or title is still being decided upon.



Key information for the position has been decided upon and it has been shared with key stakeholders for approval. 



Key information for the position such as; cost, projected start date, full-time equivalent, and title, have received all the necessary ticks of approval from stakeholders in the process.



Having been approved, the position is open for recruitment and your organization is actively seeking and interviewing candidates.



Recruitment has closed and a candidate has been chosen, and accepted the position.


They can be updated anywhere on the org chart by clicking on the person icon for a vacancy then using the "vacancy status" dropdown and saving.


Vacancy status


They can also be accessed in the left-hand menu and on the people & positions table by clicking the ellipsis next to any vacancy and selecting "edit vacancy", then amended using the "vacancy status dropdown" and saving.


edit Vacancy details


OR using the dropdown that appears next to a vacancy when the "person" details are expanded.


Workforce planning scenario



Custom text properties

If there is information about a vacant position that you would like to communicate that isn't available as a property in Functionly, you can add your own custom text properties.

To do this click the "properties" tab in the top right and "+ Add a property" or click the plus symbol on the top right of the "people & positions" table. Once created, the property can then be toggled on to appear across your org chart.


Custom text properties



Roles & Responsibilities

If you have a smaller number of positions that you're recruiting for, or you really want to go into detail on each role, you can add responsibilities to a position using roles. You can learn more about adding, editing, and creating roles and responsibilities here.


Filter your view

Once you have added all relevant data you can filter the people & positions table to group and order your vacant positions as you want to see that information. For instance, you can filter "only vacancies" to exclude all occupied positions, group by "vacancy status" to see which are at the most advanced stage in the process, and order by start date to get an idea of a timeline.


Filter your view



Any order or grouping you filter your people and positions table by can be exported directly to CSV in that order to share with relevant stakeholders such as your finance team.




3. Collaborate with your team on vacant positions

How your team accesses the workforce planning that's being done in the product will vary depending on their part in the process. For example, hiring managers will likely need to be added as compensation editors (the highest level of access), whereas your finance team may only need a CSV export without accessing Functionly itself.


In this section:


Collaborating in Functionly

For users who will need access to Functionly for your hiring process, we have different access levels to suit all your needs. You can read more about the different levels of access and how to add users.


Sharing for feedback

If you want feedback from someone in your team but don't want them to sign up to Funcitonly, make changes, or be a billable user then you can share via our links where viewers will see nearly everything you see. Read all about how to use links here.


Sharing outside Functionly

If there are people in your organization who are time-poor (CEOs and founders) and need to easily and quickly see your work to provide approval, you can share exports in a variety of formats. Click here to explore the different ways to export your scenario.