Org Design Guide: Growth planning

Effective workforce planning requires the right tools to make the best calls when growth is planned. Below are the features you'll need for your process.



  1. Generate your current organizational structure & data
  2. Add groups to segment your organizational chart
  3. Apply color to communicate detail about positions
  4. Share with collaborators
  5. Add Vacant positions and statuses
  6. Apply start dates to show the anticipated progress of growth
  7. Use the forecast sheet to show changes in headcount and compensation spend
  8. Export your proposed hires and their data




1. Generate your current organizational structure & data

Before you and others involved in the process start working on different proposed scenarios for what the organization might look like, it's important that you have the most current and accurate version of your organization and data to make properly informed decisions.



In this section:

1.a. Current state organizational chart

1.b. Recommended data to include


1.a. Current state organizational chart

You can import your org chart easily using our CSV import process or if your HRIS or Payroll System is among our integrations. 

Read our guide to how to create your current state org chart here.


1.b. Recommended data to include

Several pieces of data from Functionly's standard fields will prove valuable during this process. And any data that are specific to your organization can also be added using custom text properties.



Importing compensation will let you see the organization's current spending on people and allow you to model the impact of proposed changes in headcount properly. As new vacant positions are added, along with compensation, you'll see how this affects your bottom line.


Learn how to add and manage compensation for a scenario.


End dates

If you have people scheduled to leave the organization, by including end dates for them, you can see the impact of their departure on headcount and compensation using the forecast sheet.


End dates can be added using the right hand menu by clicking on any position on the org chart or changing the view to "people & positions".


Custom text properties

If you have data that you don't see listed in our standard fields, then you can import these or add them manually as custom text properties. For example, if you know that you need to hire more heavily for certain locations or product lines or have diversity criteria to adhere to, you can easily create the necessary custom text properties.




2. Add groups to segment your organizational chart

Adding groups to your chart will allow you to identify where your future hires will fit within the organization more easily. In addition to this, by using group calculations, you can see the impact of future hires on compensation and FTE (Effort) for specific teams, departments, product lines, and more.

Read here how to add groups and get the most out of the feature, including group calculations.




3. Apply color to communicate detail about positions

Coloring positions and branches of positions in your org chart according to their functional area, team, or product line makes it easier to see where each position fits within the organization. These colors can then be renamed to provide a key for anyone viewing the org chart and allow you to group by these colors on the forecast sheet.





4. Share with collaborators

Bringing others into the process early ensures that decision-making isn't happening in a vacuum. Sharing your scenario with other key stakeholders is the best way to guarantee that decision-makers see exactly what you see. However, you can limit how much control and access people have.


Check out how to share a scenario with a team member to collaborate or share a link for a read-only version.



5. Add Vacant positions and statuses

Visualizing vacant positions on your org chart is an important part of the process, and including additional data such as start dates, compensation, and vacancy statuses will provide greater intelligence.


Add vacant positions, proposed start dates, and compensation to see how headcount and compensation change over time. Vacancy statuses allow everyone to understand what stage in the recruitment process each position is at.



6. Apply start dates to show the anticipated progress of growth

Adding start dates will clarify to all stakeholders when each prospective hire is targeted to start. It also means you can view their impact on headcount and compensation over time. Finally, by filtering your vacant positions on the people & positions table, then exporting to CSV, you will have a list of prospective hires in order of start date.





7. Use the forecast sheet to show changes in headcount and compensation spend

By combining data that you imported for existing employees and adding data for your vacancies (start dates & compensation), you can see new hires' impact on your headcount and compensation through different timeframes.






8. Export your proposed hires and their data

Whether you want to show your structure with prospective hires included, a list of prospective hires, or to see their impact on headcount and compensation over time we offer the flexibility to export in multiple formats.


In this section:


Export your org chart, including future hires

You can export your org chart, including any vacancies as a reference, and to share with team members who aren't in Functionly.



Export a list of vacant positions

You can export a list of your vacant positions using the people & positions table to "filter" just vacancies, then order by manager, color or any other property.



Export your forecast sheet

The data you visualize on the forecast sheet can be exported to CSV allowing it to be used in other tools and shared outside the product.


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